ASI Appellate Council

Contact Info

Lisa Dalton
ASI Board Associate
(916) 278-6784


 Faculty Representative: 1

  • Casey Knifsend, Psychology (SSIS)
    Term:  Fall 2018 through Spring 2019

Term of Service: 1 year

Appellate Council - Elections Code (Article XI)
All decisions of the Elections Complaint Committee may be appealed to the Appellate Council that shall consist of the VPSA or designee, a faculty member appointed by the CSUS Faculty Senate and three (3) students nominated by the ASI President, approved by the ASI Board and approved by the VPSA. The VPSA will determine the eligibility of the student members. All decisions of the Elections Complaint Committee are final unless appealed in accordance with this section of the Elections Code.

Appellate Council - Elections Code(Article XI. B)
ASI BYLAWS authorize to Appellate Council to adopt its own operating rules, which must be in place within 30 days of the constitution of the membership. The Appellate Council however, may choose to adopt the operating procedures outlined in the Fair Hearing Plan.