Graduate Studies Policies Committee (GSPC)

Graduate Studies Policies Committee Standing Rules

Committee Info

Chair: Julian Heather

Meetings: 1st and 3rd Tuesdays,
9:00 am - 10:30 am

Committee Membership
2018-19 Agendas & Minutes


The Graduate Studies Policy Committee (GSPC) is a standing Policy Committee of the Faculty Senate, responsible for the development of policy and oversight of post baccalaureate studies, including graduate and credential programs and students perusing second bachelor’s degrees at California State University, Sacramento.


  1. Consultative deliberative body of the faculty on matters relating to graduate education, graduate curriculum, planning and research including post-baccalaureate course offerings, degree programs, extension, admission and matriculation requirements, assistantships, fellowships, graduate student awards, grading, library services, and other matters related to post-baccalaureate and graduate instructional development and delivery.
  2. Develop, periodically review, revise as appropriate and recommend such university-wide graduate policies, standards, and procedures as are conducive to the maintenance of quality in advanced degree programs throughout the University. Pursuant to this, it shall coordinate policies, standards, and procedures of the departments and schools and the University as a whole, insofar as they relate to degrees and/or programs beyond the bachelor’s degree.
  3. Collaborate with other Faculty Senate Standing Policy Committees, as appropriate.


A. Voting Members

Eleven (11) faculty members appointed by the Faculty Senate. More than one member may be from a single college but no two members may be from the same department/unit. Every effort shall be made to encourage membership from each college.

  1. Nine college-based faculty members;
  2. One faculty member from the Library or Student Services Professionals-Academically Related units; and
  3. One faculty member from a graduate program offered through the College of Continuing Education.

B. Non-Voting/Ex-Officio Members

  1. The Dean of Graduate Studies;*
  2. One representative appointed by the Dean of the College of Continuing Education;
  3. The Faculty Senate Chair;
  4. One staff member appointed by the University Staff Assembly; and
  5. One post-baccalaureate student appointed by Associated Students, Inc.

*Administrative positions are appointed by the President or designee.

Additional Ex-Officio membership may be recommended by the committee, the Executive Committee, or the President or designee.

C. Term

  1. The term of appointment for faculty representatives shall be for three years, with the possibility of reappointment. Appointments will be staggered to ensure that approximately one-third of the faculty members are appointed each year.
  2. The term of the non-voting / ex-officio members will be one-year except for the University Staff Assembly representative who will serve a two year term.


  1. Chair
    1. The Chair shall be elected annually by the Faculty Senate as described in the By-Laws of the Faculty Senate. The Committee Chair shall be included in the count of the eleven voting members.
    2. The term of office of the Committee Chair shall be one year. The term shall begin at noon on the last day of the spring semester in which elected Chair and shall end at noon on the last day of the spring semester of the following year.
    3. A faculty member may be elected to serve up to three consecutive terms of one year each as the Chair of the Committee. After an interval of one year following the end of the third consecutive term, the faculty member shall become eligible for election to the Chair of the Committee.
    4. The Committee Chair shall also serve as an ex-officio non-voting member of the Faculty Senate, unless concurrently serving as the elected representative of his or her department/unit.
    5. The Committee Chair shall also serve as a voting member of the Executive Committee.
  2. Vice-Chair
    1. At its first meeting of the academic year, the Committee shall elect, from among its voting membership, a Vice-Chair and any other committee officers deemed appropriate.
    2. The term of office of the Vice-Chair shall be one academic year. The term shall begin upon election of the Vice-Chair at the first committee meeting of the year and shall end at noon on the last day of the spring semester of the academic year.
    3. The Vice-Chair shall preside over the routine business of the Committee in the absence of the Committee Chair or, should the office of the Chair become vacant, until the election of a new Committee Chair. The Vice Chair shall not serve as an ex-officio member of the Senate or its Executive Committee.

Liaisons to Senate and Campus Committees

  1. The Committee shall appoint one of its voting members to serve as a liaison to the Curriculum Subcommittee and to the Graduate Advisory Council.
  2. The Committee may request the appointment of liaisons to other Senate and University committees, taskforces, or work groups as needed.


  1. The Committee shall work in close coordination with other Faculty Senate Policy Committees and other Senate and University committees/subcommittees in the performance of its duties.
  2. Issues considered by the committee may be referred as well by the Executive Committee to any of the other committees of the Faculty Senate. The committee may similarly refer issues to other Senate committees through the Executive Committee.

Committee Meetings

  1. The Committee shall meet at least once a month at a designated time and place.
  2. Committee meetings shall be open.
  3. The meeting agenda and supporting documentation shall be distributed to Committee members at least 72 hours prior to the meeting.
  4. Committee agendas will be published and made accessible to the campus community at least 72 hours prior to the meeting.
  5. A quorum of the Committee shall be a majority of the voting members. The Committee shall not officially take action in the absence of a quorum.

Adoption of Standing Rules

  • FS 14/15-73/GSPC/EX: Adopted November 6, 2014
  • FS 11-12/100/SEL: Adopted: May 10, 2012
  • FS 9-10/GSPC/EX: Adopted February 26, 2009
  • FS 08-65/EX: Adopted December 4, 2008
  • FS 08-54/EX: Adopted November 13, 2008