Executive Committee

Committee Info

Chair: Ántonia Peigahi
(916) 278-6012

Senate Analyst: Kathy Garcia
(916) 278-6847

Committee Meetings:
Tuesdays, 3:00-5:00 pm, SAC 275

Committee Membership
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The Executive Committee is a committee of the Faculty Senate responsible for setting the agenda of the Faculty Senate.  In doing this, the Executive Committee hears concerns from interested parties, makes referrals to standing policy committees and other Senate committees, consults with the administration on matters of concern, and receives finished business and recommendations from those same individuals and groups.  The Executive Committee determines the best manner and timing for Faculty Senate business and creates individual meeting agendas, determining which items will be placed on the consent calendar or brought forward with the expectation of full debate, and preparing or soliciting supporting materials where beneficial.  The Executive Committee also makes recommendations to the Faculty Senate on such routine matters as committee appointments, academic program reviews, and program proposals.  When business is urgent and there is need to consider an item prior to the next meeting of the Faculty Senate, the Executive Committee has authority to act on behalf of the Faculty Senate, with such actions being reported to the Faculty Senate at its next meeting (and subject to reconsideration by the Faculty Senate).
 From the Bylaws of the Faculty Senate, Article IV, Section A (July 25, 2012)


1. Membership

The eleven (11) members of the Executive Committee shall be the Chair and Vice Chair of the Faculty Senate, the Chairs of the Academic Policies Committee, the Curriculum Policies Committee, the Faculty Policies Committee, the General Education Policies/Graduation Requirements Policies Committee and the Graduate Studies Policies Committee and the four (4) at-large members of the Executive Committee elected by and from the voting members of the Faculty Senate.

2. Responsibilities

The responsibilities of the Executive Committee shall include the following:

a. Ordering the Senate Agenda

The Executive Committee shall meet at least one week prior to each Faculty Senate meeting to order and approve the agenda. It shall order the agenda so as to provide the Faculty Senate an opportunity to discuss and decide important issues in the time allotted for Senate meetings. It shall attempt to prepare an agenda that the Senate can clear in one of its meetings.

When appropriate the Executive Committee shall:

1) Establish the priority of first and second reading items on the agenda. Procedures for setting an agenda for a Faculty Senate meeting shall be specified in the Standing Rules of the Faculty Senate.

2) Identify information pertinent to the Senate's consideration of agenda items and attach it to the agenda distributed to senators.

3) Identify proponents and opponents of specific agenda items and allocate time for their presentations.

The Executive Committee may also:

1) Recommend that the Faculty Senate take specific action on an item.

2) Recommend clarifying language or amendments or both to items to be placed before the Faculty Senate for action.

3) Refer an item to a Faculty Senate Committee or other agency.

b. Receiving Reports

The Executive Committee shall receive reports and recommendations from Faculty Senate Committees. It may place such reports and recommendations on the Faculty Senate agenda either as items for action or items for information.

When appropriate, the Executive Committee may:

1) Recommend clarifying language or amendments to the recommendations of Faculty Senate committees or both.

2) Endorse the recommendation of a Faculty Senate committee for Faculty Senate action.

3) Refer the reports and recommendations of Faculty Senate Committees to other Faculty Senate committee(s) or other agencies.

c. Planning

The Executive Committee shall meet prior to the beginning of each academic year for the purpose of:

1) Reviewing the actions taken in the previous year and identifying items carried over from it that require discussion and action in the coming year.

2) Identifying the critical issues to be discussed and acted on by both the Faculty Senate and its Standing Committees in the coming year.

3) Setting tentative agendas for the Faculty Senate and its Standing Committees.

4) Planning the program for the annual Faculty Senate Retreat.

5) Planning and implementing an orientation program for new members of the Faculty Senate.

d. Reporting to the Faculty Senate

1) The Executive Committee shall provide the Faculty Senate with a list current to the moment of items being considered by the Faculty Senate's Standing Committees, a brief description of the reports and recommendations or policies to be produced by each Committee, and an estimate of the date by which each Committee may be expected to act on each of these items.

2) The Executive Committee shall provide the Faculty Senate with a current listing of the Senate's recommendations to the President of the University and the action taken by the President of the University on each of these recommendations.

3. Meetings

The Executive Committee shall normally meet in open or public session. It may meet in a session closed to the public to discuss and act on personnel matters not subject to public disclosure. The motion to close its meeting to the public shall be in order during an open meeting of the Committee. The Committee shall return to open session immediately upon disposing of the agenda item or items taken up in closed session. In no case of a current employee or staff member of the Senate shall the Committee close its session to the party or parties or their representatives whose status or for conduct may be the subject of discussion in closed session.

a. Regular Meetings

The Chair of the Faculty Senate shall call a regular meeting of the Executive Committee at least one week prior to each scheduled meeting of the Faculty Senate to order the agenda for that meeting. Other meetings of the Executive Committee may be called as necessary.

b. Executive Sessions

1) The Executive Committee may hold executive sessions to discuss and act upon personnel matters relating to the staff of the Faculty Senate.

2) Under circumstances that permit no delay, the Executive Committee may constitute itself as, or become part of, a search committee for the purposes of filling, on an interim basis, a vacancy in the University administration. Such an action by the Executive Committee shall be initiated at the request of the President.

3) The President may consult with the Executive Committee in executive session about personnel matters related to the central administrative staff.

4) The subject of any executive session of the Executive Committee shall be reported in the minutes of the Executive Committee.

c. Quorum

For all meetings of the Executive Committee, a majority of the voting members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum.  

4. Powers

The Executive Committee shall have power to:

1) Take action on behalf of the Faculty Senate when time does not permit the Faculty Senate to act. Such actions shall be reported to the Faculty Senate on the Faculty Senate agenda at the first meeting of the Faculty Senate after the Executive Committee has acted.

2) Advise the President about the interpretation of University policy. The Executive Committee shall report the substance of its advice to the Faculty Senate on a Faculty Senate agenda at the first meeting of the Faculty Senate after the Executive Committee has acted.

3) Propose clarifying statements of University policy to the Faculty Senate.

4) Create ad hoc committees as necessary.

5) Nominate faculty for consideration by the Faculty Senate to fill vacancies that occur in the membership of Faculty Senate committees after the Committee on Committees has made its nominations for the year.

6) Nominate faculty for consideration by the Faculty Senate for recommendation to the President for appointment to institutional task forces, advisory committees, committees performing judicial functions, and auxiliary organizations.