Faculty Senate Representatives (Senators)

The membership of the Faculty Senate shall be composed of:

  • Representatives of the electing units;
  • Four representatives to be elected at-large by the temporary faculty from those temporary faculty who are teaching six or more units during the semester in which the election is conducted;
  • Chairs of certain standing committees of the Faculty Senate (as specified in the committee's charge), as at-large non-voting members, unless such chairs are already serving on the Senate as representatives of the electing units;
  • Statewide academic senators, as ex officio, non-voting members;
  • President or designee of the CSU, Sacramento Retiree Association as an ex officio, non-voting member;
  • Three student representatives, as non-voting members, chosen by, and in a manner determined by, the Associated Students of CSUS.

(Bylaws of the Faculty Senate, California State University, Sacramento, Article I. A. Membership)

2016-2017 Representatives
Faculty Senate Executive Committee

Elected Representatives by College: 

Sacramento State ASCSU Representatives